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What is Metaphysics?

Metaphysics has been defined as “a science of ultimate causes of the supernatural” and “a belief in ultimate and fundamental reality and the nature of things.1 But what does that mean?

   First coined in ancient Greece as a philosophy, the word is used to describe things beyond the senses, the hidden, the mysterious or the occult, transcending the physical or natural. It deals with abstract concepts such as being, knowing, cause and effect, and time and space.

   It’s the basis of religious thought, including concepts of God and the Creator, also known as First Cause.

   It’s about things that exist and how they exist.

   Metaphysics can also be explained through the understanding of Universal Laws. Universal Laws are the basic functional laws by which life operates. While there are many laws that pertain to areas of science and the workings of physical life, there are basic laws which apply to the operation of human life, also called God’s Laws. These laws, as all Universal Laws, are unchangeable, fundamental, inevitable, and set by the Creator to apply to all areas of our lives.

   I think of these laws as the rules or instructions for living, in a very simple form; these are God’s directives, akin to the Ten Commandments, but much more basic.

   Bruce McArthur, author of Your Life: Why It Is the Way It Is and What You Can Do About It 2, researched the Edgar Cayce readings to compile a list of about 60 laws. “…by our use of the laws, we create our lives, our relationships with others, and the quality of both.”

   McArthur’s assertion in his book is that through application and understanding, you can “gain fuller understanding of existence” and your relationship “with your Creator.”

   Here’s a sampling:

  • Law of Cause and Effect: like begets like

  • First Law of Increase: as you sow so shall you reap

  • Second Law of Increase: the spirit of your actions multiplies the result

  • First Law of Attraction: like attracts like

  • Second Law of Attraction: as you seek, you attract and are attracted to that which will fulfill your search

  • Second Law of Repulsion: as you seek, you repel and are repelled by that which will not fulfill your search

  • Laws of Cause and Effect:

    • for every effect there is a cause

    • there is nothing by chance; there is a purpose to everything that happens

  • Law of Individuality: as you honor, respect, and love your own individuality, so do you honor, respect and love the individuality of others

  • Law of Equality: your true needs, wants, desires, hopes, dreams, wishes, and their fulfillment are as important as those of any other soul in existence

  • The Ultimate Truth: God is

   There are many kinds of laws: laws of mind, of body, of spirit, laws of force, laws of creation. These are all framed in different ways, depending on who’s describing them. Dick Sutphen, a metaphysical author and teacher said, “when you work within the laws, you can be assured of an eventual positive income.3 His laws are distributed differently: the law of Harmony, the law of Wisdom, the law of Grace, etc. 

    As you’ll see on the web there are dozens of books available on Universal Laws and Metaphysics.


    I’ve always strived to understand how things happen. When I was young, I drove my mother crazy with all the questions I asked her. Eventually, she told me to stop, which started my own lifelong quest into the nature of things and how life works.

   I seemed to understand Universal Laws instinctively and was born with the ability to follow them. I think most people are; they could simply be your conscience.

   So give McArthur’s book a try. I think you'll find it’s worth the read.

  1. Metaphysical Dictionary by Sunny Tangas, 1997, K.T. Publishers

  2. Your Life: Why It Is The Way It Is and What You Can Do About It by Bruce McArthur, 1993, A.R.E. Press

  3. The 50 Primary Universal Laws by Dick Sutphen, 1998, Valley of the Sun Publishers

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Photo credit: Copyright NASA and STScI

Photo credit: Copyright NASA and STScI

Photo credit: Copyright NASA and STScI



Artwork and writing © 2018 by Doris Pratt unless credited otherwise 

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